This build was my first attempt at Skyrim character building, a prototype and experimental one. For some reason, I scrapped it, and the leftover ideas eventually gave birth to other builds of mine. And now, after months of sitting in a folder, I stum
Something I've been working on for a while. I know some people might have already done this, but I wanted to put my spin on it. I will add images later, but for right now, my computer is about to power down.
Her mother died, they killed her yesterday…. This place had never been welcoming, but this night, it was worse. Above the usual bodily odors, the putrid smell of rotten flesh was floating around the girl. Instead of the disturbing yet familiar voice
Akatosh, the Golden Dragon God of Time, following his formation, became father to the dragons. His firstborn, Alduin, would be known as the serpent that would d
Hello all! Welcome to another build, this one drawing inspiration from one of my favorite franchises and is my entry into the Crossworlds 2019 build event. Hope you enjoy!
People cannot be ruled by power alone! The sacred, the honorable, the loved.
Freezing. The cold weather of Dawnstar pierced my bones as my steps slowly drifted the snowy roads that lead to the once-so-called Nightcaller Temple, now a hall of the most influential Templar Knightly Order across Skyrim. As I opened the enormous d
It all started with Parthurnaax, a Dragon who had conquered his malicious urges. He gifted man the Way of the Voice, which they used to turn the tide of the war against Alduin and his horde. Sensing the World Eater would be back, Parth
This Green Pact adhering Bosmer associates with a lesser-known cult of Herma-Mora, and she's been sent to serve her god in Skyrim, gathering knowledge to return to the library of Ilmyris in the process. Hiding in the shadows, she manipulates her ene
Mods (entirely optional, used for cosmetic purposes)
Realistic Armors
Heimdallr (also anglicized as Heimdall) watches over Asgard and the Bifrost, warning the other Aesir of threats if necessary. This is especially important during
I have made an attempt to represent Nord culture as best I can in this build. That said, I do not condone racism and always make an effort to keep my Nord characters, you know, not racist. Because of this, I used the Conquest o
Prelude: This build is the result of several different concepts thrown together to try and create something that doesnt inherently restrict what I might want to do in the game while also having an actual character to play as. From Oblivions Grey Prin
Optional Mod: While this mod helps with immersion, Mighty Mjolnir not required. In fact, a run-of-the-mill Dwarven (or Ancient Nord/Nordic) Warhammer that has been upgraded and enchanted could work just as well, provided you have the patience to gri
"What a sunrise..." thought Taviah, as she woke up to the sound of chirping birds. As per usual when she'd stop in a village, she would offer to bring back plants and game to the local innkeeper, in exchange for a free, hot bowl of stew. She'd bee
My name is Isilrun. I am known as the Tainted. I was born a Breton, just off the coast of High Rock. I was the original Aedric Knight, before being outcast
Ah, coin… Was there anything better in this world? Gleaming, glinting, shiny gold coins…
“My name? Oh, don’t worry about that, darling, just sit back and relax. I promise this night will be unforgettable…” I purred in the ear of the fat noble. A fo
Before I could walk, I was made aware of how much I was hated. My mother was an Altmer and my father was an Orc. We were ostracized by the Altmer, who called my mother an "orc-loving wench". So, we went with my father to Du
In a province facing destruction, Justice can seem impossible to uphold. On the brink of economic collapse and in the midst of a Civil War, the Nords needed a hero. They found Tyr
A build based on the Aesir gods from Norse paganism, this build will have multiple branches depending on which deity you choose to play, starting with Odin. I will try to be brief. All builds will be Nords.
Greetings one and all, my fellow Skyrimmers. As Spring dawns on the world, here we have the next Event. Taking a page from the past, here we have Crossworlds 3!
Now what is Crossworlds, you may ask? The concept is simple. Take your favorite charactere
It all started with Lord Harkon of Castle Volkihar. He led a single experiment in an attempt to gain control of the sun. Harnessing powers beyond his understanding, he created life. Sort of. Born not completely human, but still mortal, a dark cr