Tired of being the "good" guy? Tired of the same old dutiful work of the honorable quester in Skyrim? Well you have come to the right place. This build, inspired by heavy Dunmer lore, is in no way a good character. To further break my seemingly unwil
PROLOGUE – The Imperial City, 3rd of Mid Year, 4E171
The sun had reached its zenith above the arena. Through the heavy iron portcullis, Kazan was staring, unflinching, at the opposite side of the field ; behind the other metal gate across the san
PROLOGUE – Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary of Cheydinhal, 11th of Morning Star, 3E428
“Vicente, you have a visitor.”, Lucien had said. He wouldn’t tell who it was, but the rules were clear : none who were not Brothers or Sisters were allowed into the
Well, lol, this build has a history. I played an incarnation of it years ago, though with different skills. Inspired by Conan O'Brian's Clueless Gamer Review of Skyrim, Mr. Buttons was born and I had fun. Then on Tamriel Vault, Mr. Buttons served as
I’ve always wondered what it would look like if a true Nord of Skyrim sought out the curse of vampirism to gain the power to liberate Skyrim. A sacrifice greater than death, to protect and forever watch over her home. This is my attempt to bring th
The Holy Beast is an Orcish priest who came to Tamriel to spread the word of Arkay and did not know a single thing about the civil war so they traveled with a storm cloak group for protection from bandits but was captured by the Imperials and he
Lyralej is the Skyrim counterpart of Windranger from DotA 2
Lyralej was a small child when her parents were killed by bandits, lonely, hungry and without someone to help her, Kyne took pity of her and asked a man devoted to her to raise the ch
"They have taken everything from me...my home, my family, and the only people I called friends. I vow, the Thalmor's time will come to an end. Their tyranny over the people of Tamriel will soon perish. I vow it on my life. I swear
It’s time for another Skyforge building event. and for this event we are choosing tradition over innovation: we’re bringing back the Crossworlds concept for our CROSSWORLDS II event, beginning today and wrapping
All mods are available for Skyrim Special Edition. They were chosen specifically for Xbox One, but you should be able to get pretty much all of them for PC if you have Special Edition. Here are the mods you must h
Hello everyone, this is my first build. I have been creeping character builds on here and TamrielVault for a while, tried a bunch of builds, had a great time, etc. I thoroughy enjoy thick roleplay, unique playstyle, cool abilities, and especially a
Greetings, my fellow Skyrimmers, to my latest build. One thing I love about Crossworlds is how it, in my mind, challenges builders. One has to work to make a character, organization, concept, etc, from one work of fiction into Skyrim. Anyway, welcome
One of the most infamous gangs in recent history, the Crimson Dirks have scattered to the wind ; once led by the fearsome warlord Tyra Blood-Fire, they ransacked Cyrodiil with violence, ruthlessness, and impunity. As we speak, they're presumed to
Introduction So this build has been in my head for a long time, and a recent skypothesis video inspired me to finally playtest it and give it an actual backstory. The whole idea behind this build is mostly focussed around immersing your character into
Consider this an Elder Scrolls version of “Where are they now”, or something like the Resurrection Event. This will probably be the first a small series (I have 3 planned), focused on infamous Morrowind characters and what might’ve happened to them f
The old “insert a TES vampire clan into Skyrim” is a concept that's been done in a variety of builds, and this build does the exact same thing with Selenu. So why didn't I go with a more original idea? It has to do with the signat
This build was inspired by the Elder Scrolls Online because in that game they label Soul Magic as its own skill line. That go the juices flowing and then everything else just streamlined. This build makes use of a numerous things that many people nor