These words are only whispers now in a world full of hatred and corruption. Tamriel has seen darkness, but it continues to grow, spreading to the hearts of all kind: men, mer, and beast.
“Think ya could get the drop on us, vampire?!” The bandit's question was rhetoric, dipped in venom and slurred by whiskey. My eyes settled on him as I leaned against the door frame, watching him sway back and forth slightly. Between his labored brea
It didn’t take long for the corruption to take hold- my thoughts focused solely on the taste of sweet crimson. I was no more than a mere beast living off instinct and hunger: no free will to call my own.
Well, it's been a little over 3 months after I posted this build and after gaining legendary status (+50 likes) as well as the upcoming release of the Dragonborn DLC, I thought it would be appropriate to revamp this build to make it as efficient, as
I've noticed in all of my builds (not to mention almost everyone elses) that you generally stick with 1 melee fighting style (if any) - weapon and shield, dual wield, or two-handed. Inspired by that, this build brings you back to Oblivion and Morrowi
Update: August 26. Now, more than three years after I first wrote it up, I decided to give the Incarnate a complete overhaul, including mods, better screenshots (not to mention armor) and a far better story than I could've written in 2015.
Salutations and greetings valued viewers. This will be my entry in my first ever contest on The Sky Forge for Bloodlines. This will also be my second build as well and I intend to make use of the theme for this one. Something I see occasionally on Th
Perk trees: Smithing(heavy armor mainly), One handed, and Heavy Armor
Story: As a young Khajjit the Tiger Fist was told by his church that afer his mother died birthing him they took him and raised him to be a monk in the church. When he
I would like to preface this build by saying it in no way represents my current skill level as a builder. This is a very, very old piece of work. I originally did this character way back in 2014 on the Skyrim Blog. At it's peak this build r
The Bandit Chief looked up from his grindstone, alarmed by the sudden commotion at the door. One of his subordinates rushed into the room, panting heavily.
"Sir," the bandit wheezed, "there's -- he's -- they're all --"
The argonian walked into the bandit encampment, their swords and axes out as he suspected. He was being lead in through the wooden gates; his hands bound by rope. In front of them all he saw a man covered shoulder to toe in steel armor, the argonian,
Backstory : "Marion no ! » the reverberation of her voice in her coffin woke up Selena Vitalli. Always the same nightmare, the moment when the darkness came inside her heart. The loss of her partner and the fall of the Hall of Vigilants, all these th
The Moonlit King – Just Another Werewolf Build by MarinTheFox
Hello my darlings! I’m back with another Skyrim build! My first one did so well, I would have felt incomplete had I not tried another. Though I am continuing my theme of beast-race cha
DESCRIPTION: The Nightlord is a master of deception and blood magic, able to blend into human society with ease. He goes to great lengths to stay amoung the shadows and conceal his identity through powerful illusion magics. But when th
Greetings and bienvenue, my dear reader(s). Welcome to my entry for the Bloodlines contest. Inspired by a certain real life historical figure, welcome to a dark avenger, a bloodthirsty relic of days long past, seeking to reunite with his lost love, a
(Just like her fellow Nords,Ana has a 50% resistance to frost and that's a good ability against the cold and harshness of Skyrim or the frost spells used by enemies you encounter)
At the request of Curse, I'm posting this over from the Vault. I reworded bits and pieces (mainly the High Priest and HoonDing sections), so if you read the original, you might notice some small differences.
This build idea originally stemmed from wanting to incorporate a large portion of the content from the Dragonborn DLC into a character that didn't just use them for gimmicks. This guy uses many of the new shouts, spells and abilities along with much