All Discussions (574)

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Character Build: The Zealot

Honor. Devotion. Justice.

These words are only whispers now in a world full of hatred and corruption. Tamriel has seen darkness, but it continues to grow, spreading to the hearts of all kind: men, mer, and beast.

Theft, murder, subterfuge, corrupti

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6 Replies · Reply by bloodmeridian Dec 17, 2019

Character Build: The Veteran

I've noticed in all of my builds (not to mention almost everyone elses) that you generally stick with 1 melee fighting style (if any) - weapon and shield, dual wield, or two-handed. Inspired by that, this build brings you back to Oblivion and Morrowi

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1 Reply · Reply by Chris Diokno Nov 19, 2019

Character Build: The Tiger Fist

Stats: 0/5/2

Perk trees: Smithing(heavy armor mainly), One handed, and Heavy Armor

Story: As a young Khajjit the Tiger Fist was told by his church that afer his mother died birthing him they took him and raised him to be a monk in the church. When he

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Contest Build: The Fanged Prince

The Bandit Chief looked up from his grindstone, alarmed by the sudden commotion at the door. One of his subordinates rushed into the room, panting heavily.

"Sir," the bandit wheezed, "there's -- he's -- they're all --"

"For the Divines' sake, spit it o

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16 Replies · Reply by Shadon Nov 12, 2019

Contest Build: The Nightlord

The Nightlord

Image result for vampire nightlord

DESCRIPTION: The Nightlord is a master of deception and blood magic, able to blend into human society with ease. He goes to great lengths to stay amoung the shadows and conceal his identity through powerful illusion magics. But when th

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3 Replies · Reply by nystee Nov 11, 2019

Character Build: The Count


armor: royal vampire armor

wepons: harkens sword 

magic: vampire drain and other vampire powers 

born in high rock the Breton was moved to Skyrim to find work while there he heard stories of vampires and set out to find capture and study

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3 Replies · Reply by Curse Oct 29, 2019