Greetings and salutations my fellow Skyrimmers, to my entry into the latest Flash Event: Elevated Origins. Now, I'm sure you've seen them countless times while dungeon crawling in any (J)RPG. You're low on potions and poisons, you've got a shit ton o
Greetings fellow Forge connoisseurs and thank you for checking out my very first build for the Skyforge. Coming up with the build recipe was simple, cram all my favourite skills from Skyrim in a blender and observe the mushy contents. The result was
The third and final installment of my Morrowind edition of “Where Are They Now”, we now turn to Divayth Fyr, a master of… well, everything, really. I’m incredibly surprised no one’s ever tried to make a build about him before. The result of a four mo
My experimentation with the spell tome equilibrium had always fascinated me. Coming across it during my first initial playthrough as a pure mage character and using it in some of my builds, I've always wanted to create a playthrough where I could use
Do you like being an extremely powerful mage? Do you like blowing stuff up? Do you like creating abominations and monsters to eviscerate your enemies? Well do I have the character build for YOU!!
This build was born out of my love for a certain armo
This is my first build along with backstory. Also im on my mobile so forgive the spelling errors
When he was born, the Orc child was sick. Everyone was to let him die. Weak and sick, crying for attention as days pass, yet the little one would not die
As with most of my builds, this one requires several mods to work at its peak. You will need the following mods, all of which are available on both the PC and Xbox One Special Editions of Skyrim.
Those of the Assassini Brotherhood are members of a secret society hidden in plain sight. They alongside their eternal enemies have been responsible for or been participants in countless world events since at least the First Era. They are not berzerk
I took inspiration from, from ESO's old "Best Mage" build.
I proudly present "The Lich King"
Backstory: Alotheil was an aspiring student who had spent most of his early years trying to learn and trailblaze new ideas concerning Magick and it's proper
Hey guys, welcome to Chris Dioknos' and my first Crossworld Event Build for 2019. We wanted to do something different, something that rarely has been done combined with some fun combat situations whichalwaysend with abang. We are proud to present…
A few years ago, there was once a respected elf who was a brilliant wizard for the College of Winterhold. Some say he should have been Master Wizard, while other’s said he was far too arrogant to take such an important role. But either way, none co
“How dare they”. She exclaimed in anger, gipping her hand into a fist and punching the Thalmor assassin in the stomach winding him. “After all I did for them, after all they did to me!” “They expect to dispose of me like trash”. She drew
As of this moment, 9:46pm on the 5th on January 2014, this build has been REVAMPED. Several skills have been dropped, the gameplay has changed and the presentation has been vastly updated.
The Dumner has always fascinated me but I have never had a proper playthrough with one until now, and I knew I wanted it to be different, something that hasn’t been done nor seen before. And I managed to come up with something that I think is origina
The Tiger is essentially a heavy hitter . He’s an absolute tank when it comes to fighting and he knows it. He uses his heavy armour to soak up blows, with Restoration on the side to heal himself, while knocking enemies to pieces with his warhamme
Despite having 600+ hours invested in Skyrim, I've never tried three things and this is my attempt at combining Illusion, Two-Handed, and Enchanting with a Divine who is rarely taken seriously. Also, dredging up old factions to play in Skyrim is one
This build is long overdue for me. I've wanted to create a Wind-themed build because it's possibly the best "false" magic school that can be created, but my discovery of the Wind Destruction Magic Mod only increased that. This was meant to be an entr
It’s been so long since I’ve played a truly evil character. I find it almost therapeutic to become a cackling, torturing fiend of the darkness. Adding in a glass cannon that manages to tank excellently (due to some superior Health Regen) and a rich b