Diversity: The Ancient Wraith should have many options when it comes to combat: Sneak, One-Handed & Archery, while being a bard-like build, he also used magic at his command: Conjuration, Illusion & Alteration. Hi
Disclaimer: Greetings and salutations to my June Contest build everypony. Combining semi-Alessian ideology, Crossworlds, and situational blade usage, plus some less than often used tricks, welcome to the tale of…
I met this very interesting old man the other day. My sister and I were in a cafe and we started to argue. As our fiery debate raged on we noticed an old man looking at us and smile; feeling embrassed we apologied for our loud tone and rudness; to wh
Revamp for my favorite vamp playthrough! I posted this build awhile ago and I'm happy to say it reached decent success, but I want to see if I could push it to the next level. As some of you may know, this build was inspired by (obviously) the Keeril
Pickpocket is quite the oddball skill which might find itself in the arsenal of an average Thief, Assassin or Alchemist-type build. All of these classes would also practice Sneak to facilitate the subterfuge and sabotage, and while there’s nothing wr
"I am a Buoyant Armiger, a member of a small military order of the Tribunal Temple exclusively dedicated to and answering to Lord Vivec. We pattern ourselves on lord Vivec's heroic spirit of exploration and adventure, emulating hi
Since I recently (yeah... "recently") bought Oblivion during the Steam holiday sale, I’ve been incredibly fascinated with the Ayleids and their lore. So, I decided to take some liberties with their religion and history, creating…
Honour. Justice. An undying devotion to exterminate out the Daedra from our world. That’s what most people think when they hear the name “Vigilantes of Stendarr.” At least, that’s what I used to think when I heard my parents boast of their group’s w
Greetings everypony, to my last build for the Songs of the North Event. Combining Telekinesis, a great musical theme, and lots of Ayleidic superiority, welcome to…
Greetings, everypony, to my first of two builds for the first Flash Contest, Lords of High Rock. Inspired by both medieval Anglo-Saxon and Celtic mythology, welcome to the tale of….
This build came from 4 things originally - the awesome look of the Vampire armor sets, wanting to make a viable non-stealth dagger only build, the awesome look of the Dragon Priest Dagger, and a build that really utilizes Enchanting and isn't broken
This build is something of a mashup between the Paladin, Arcane Bladesman and Nightingale Swordsman - 3 of my favorite builds. The result is a fun, fast paced character with plenty of options in and out of combat. I hope you enjoy reading (and even p
As requested, here's another favourite of mine - the Fiend!
An Odd Combination: The Fiend combines two archetypes, the archer and the shieldmage, into one fluid build. Although unconventional, this combination has some amazing synergy in that it lets
Greetings and salutations everypony. Welcome to my first of two builds for the Teams Event here on the Forge! Alongside Lee, welcome to an Assassin focused less on killing those in her way, and focusing in on her targets, and with a mixture of seduct
Greetings and salutations everypony, to spoopy month, alias October. In honor of Halloween, or its original Samhain if you celebrate it as such, welcome to my mini-build. Taking the classic ghost concept and giving it a twist with some aid from Japan
As with most of my builds, this one requires several mods to work at its peak. You will need the following mods, all of which are available on both the PC and Xbox One Special Editions of Skyrim.
Hello and welcome everyone to my Halloween mini-build. Rather than focus on a famous story or character, I wanted to do something everyone knows and has seen at some point... the figure in the dark. We've all seen... 'it;' standing... somewhere. You
So, I'm a little suprised at the lack of Daedra Champion builds on the site, so I thought I'd attempt to change that a bit. Peryite isn't the most famous Daedric Prince... nor liked. Most people know him because of Spellbreaker. It's suprising diffic
When someone brings up the subject of poison in Skyrim, they’re usually talking about the harmful concoctions that you can make via Alchemy. The reality is, however, that there is a wide variety of options for poison damage in Skyrim. T
The Grandmaster of the North-Wind is a holy/divine crusader/paladin type build with a few important differences to the generic paladin/crusader. I came up with this build through role-playing, and I owe much of it to the fine heads of the I