The Champion is a great swordsman who excels with the use of a sword and a shield, he adapts the Imperial Legionnaire style of sword and shield combat. He is also a very religious person who worships the Eight Divines and a believer of Talos once, bu
Stendarr's Mercy be upon you, for the Vigil has none to spare!
The Vigilant of Stendarr
It’s no secret that the Vigil of Stendarr is an incredibly incompetent faction. Vigilant Tyranus gets killed during House of Horrors, Vigilant Tolan gets killed
Hello and welcome to another classic Raidriar and Curse Never Dying collab. A long time ago Raid and I released this build as part of a character building contest. The theme of the contest was Holds of Skyrim. Every entry was to embody at least one h
This build is one i am currently doing for a pen and paper book.
The history is that Terry Delaire is from a lower noble family in the Imperial kingdom. At a young age, Terry was fascinated by the knights and paladins and when he was of age he joined
Hey guys! Welcome to my second submission to the Crossworlds Event for 2019. After several (I had another two more ideas ready for Crossworlds), not work out, I decided to have one last shot. Onto the Build shall we?
Olá a todos, este é meu primeiro build na comunidade, então peço desculpas se ficar um pouco confuso e genérico, vou tentar melhorar, e desculpe pelo meu inglês, não é minha língua nativa e não sou fluente.
In a forgotten nook in the Wrothgarian Mountains of High Rock lies a small Orcish stronghold, barely held together and seemingly abandoned. Yet inside train Tamriel's most lethal monster-slayers, the hexers. Trained in widely-unknown Nord magic and a
This sort of character is who I usually play first in TES games. A great well balanced fighter that I usually experience the main quest, most side quests and Fighters and Mages factions with. A very fun and fast paced playthrough with some frantic sw
The third in my set of Arcane builds originated from the idea of having a stealthy mage build, able to pull off instant kill assassinations while still holding her own as a pure mage of sorts in open combat. This build contains some DLC content; read
The Night Mother is the leader of the Dark Brotherhood. Some say this is the title given to the leader regardless of who she is. Others believe she was the head of the Morag Tong before the split with the Dark Brotherhood. Some sa
The Ranger ghosted through the forest, his soft boots gliding over dead leaves and twigs, leaving them undisturbed. He made his way towards the clearing, where a large camp had been set up. As he drew closer, his keen nose caught a whiff of woodsmoke
The Desert Avenger is a Khajiitt Warrior who Comes from the harsh Deserts in Elsweyer, he is an unknown character who lives in the wild living of hunting and plundering treasure, he specializes in being incredibly fast due to
This build is based off of the Elder One, the big bad from Dragon Age: Inquisition (a game I would highly recommend to any RPG fan) as part of the Tamriel Vault's old Crossworlds event. I also took this opportunity to fulfill a recurring request on m
Greetings, sera. Blackblood here, and if you've played Skyrim as much as I have you've likely dabbled in Necromancy at least once or twice in your playthroughs. It's not easy to create a pure necromancer though, but thanks to the perks foun
Born in the year 4E175 on the 15th of Evening Star, a month after the empire signed the White-Gold Concordat, parts of Hammerfell were ceded to the Aldmeri Dominion. The area surrendered to the Dominion was the southern parts of Hammer
"The Ebony Champion, the greatest warrior in the Pit Fighters Arena, will combine skill in combat with sneak tricks to defeat every opponent that stands in her way all across Tamriel "
Born in the year 4E170 on 15th of Evening Star in Cheydinhal, Nibenay, Cyrodiil to an Imperial father named Meciro Winter-Veins a powerful Battle-Mage for the Imperial Army and a Nord mother Torevi Flame-Shaper a powerful Battle
The Purge they called it. With the Aldermi Dominion seizing rule over Valenwood after the Great War, the Altmer would turn against their elven cousins, the Bosmer by eliminatiing any who were allies to the Empire. Viewed
The Vitae Warrior is a vampire spellsword; a deadly combination of swordmanship, blood magic, and supernatural speed that wreaks havoc to anyone standing in their way. Their blood magic not only inflicts damage but also