'Sup all? I've been on a bit of a nostalgia trip recently, and I've been looking back at the old FudgeMuppet builds that I first played in my early days with Skyrim. Boy oh boy is there some wasted potential there. There are some great core concepts
“Serana!” the distant, muffled cry met the vampire's ears just a moment too late. The soft hissing of the Elven arrow accompanied the warning, giving the woman only a second to raise her arm in hopes to protect her more valuable organs. The shot- whi
"Our enemies dare to claim the night as their own. In their arrogance they think of the darkness as their ally but they merely adopt it, shrouding themselves in the shadows to hide their true nature fr
Disclaimer:This build is intended to be played with a small suite of essential gameplay enhancing mods.Mostof these are available on PC (both LE and SE) as well as XBox 1 - sorry, PS4 and legacy console players. These mods allow for vastly more in
Disclaimer: The builds you are about to read below require the mod Forgotton Magic Redone, a unique spell pack mod that offers 39 unique spells broken up into 8 different archetypes and categories. Each of the
This build has given me the pleasure of doing two things - combining some of my favorite builds into one awesome package, and exploring rogue skills previously left untouched. Keep reading and you might even recognize some of the builds that inspired
Ah, how I longed to be that cold, spring breeze that ruffled your ruddy locks, or that gentle drizzle that soaked your shoulders and lighted softly upon your shivering, pink lips. I would have settled on bei
This is the final piece of my multi-group post, but this piece is where I feel most comfortable. This character was inspired by a couple aspects that I love: no crafting and lore. Connected to this build are discussions pertaining to the lore of Shad
Introduction The little light of hope is a holy healer, she gots her powers from Mara and feel the presence of ghosts on Tamriel . It's her sacred duty to bring them peace. Even if she's blind she can sense her
The Viking is an agile and ferocious combatant, a warrior who does not depend on magic to slaughter his opponents, but only on his martial skills and combat strategy.
He travels through the icy lands of Skyrim in search of enemi
The Blackflame Assassin is a hybrid of a spellsword and nightblade that can automatically disappear into the shadows when in danger only to appear striking his foes with his blade or fire magic. This is accomplished
As with most of my builds, this one requires several mods to work at its peak. You will need the following mods, all of which are available on both the PC and Xbox One Special Editions of Skyrim.
XBox One Character Build, Skyrim Special Edition, Mods and Creation Club Active
I have chosen the title 'The Noble Thief' for two reason, thus enjoying a little play on words. Literally speaking, Lyra is born from nobility, and still has the skills a
My name is Zireael Zarola, 24 years ago i was born in Dragon's Bridge and that is where the good news end. From that day I didn't have anything good that lasted. That day my mother, the