My first of two entries into the Event, this is a build I've had under my hat for a few months now as I've been mulling over exactly how to execute the uniqueness of the Mane, while trying to do Khajiit lore and history (second best only to the
The Vraseth are a vampire bloodline gifted with nimbleness. This can be reflected ingame by what is perhaps my favorite glitch in the game, the Quick Reflexes + Slow Time combo, or what I like to call Extended Slow Time. By using
Description:A cunning thief with a greedy mind, He uses his skill with one-handed weapons and illusion to take care of unwanted obstacles, making guards corrupt with his honeyed words, schemeing common merchants to buy a perfectly ordinary mug for
Hello, my fellow Tamriellic Vaulters, to my latest build, and my entry for the Two in Two Event. With conjured weapons, a rather fatalistic desire to help people, and mobility, welcome to....
Greetings and salutations my fellow Tamriellic Vaulters. With the return of the gloriousness that is Crossworlds, I HAD to join in. With that, welcome to….
Greetings everypony, to my first Skyrim build in quite awhile, and first surprise build for Crossworlds 3. Inspired by the fact I haven't played a Dunmer in awhile, welcome to….
Hello everypony, and welcome to my latest build. Now, let me ask you a question. What do you get when you grab the Grecian hero Achilles, X-Men´s Magneto, and a smidgen of Red Vs. Blue´s Carolina and toss ´em into a blender? Well, aside from dead peo
Quick, think of the worst weapon in the game. Did you come up with the Rueful Axe? I certainly did. Seriously, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of this weapon. Pros: its base damage is good (same amount as the Glass Battleaxe), it’s
Greetings, sera. Blackblood here with my first ever Character Build. Some time last year I came up with the idea of a scholar who specialized in Dwemer constructs, and how some of them can use Shock-based attacks and the like. This character was mad
Well, I guess it is about time I finally finish out an Argonian build so here it is. The inspiration comes from a mixture of a lot of builds seen on here, and some of my builds as well. I wanted to revisit the crossbow, search out the power of frost
"Frozen in time ... but not forgotten ... at least not for long ... "
This character build has been a dream of mine to complete. With the addition of the new Dragonborn DLC, I feel confident enough to present this new race build. It includes new con
After demolishing everything with my Old Orc and loving two handed, I wanted to expand on the skill in a different way and open my new build up to using magic as well. This character is inspired from a class from Guild Wars Nightfall, a game I have p
This character concept was a long term project for me as it was very lore intensive as well as perk/skill intensive. The Ayleids have a good amount of lore written about them (some good, some bad) and it took me a good while to read through it and
This build came from a couple of ideas. First, a lot of people really don't like sneak archery as its considered to be a rather one-dimensional and overpowered playstyle. I wanted to make a sneak archery build that avoids the
Hello everypony, and welcome to my latest build. This idea came about from three things. 1. The fact I’ve never really played a character who used Bound Weapons as their main offense. 2. Velvet Scarlatina, from RoosterTeeth’s RWBY (RIP Monty Oum), e
You were once a great knight of some renown. Your status brought you great wealth, which only whetted your appetite for more. You turned to some…less savory means of obtaining riches. Things such as breaking into the castle treasury and pickpocketing
The major cities of Skyrim have four walls. Walls that protect the citizens from the hostile environment outside, both nature and man. Skyrim has another source of protection, an unseen wall that defends the land from any and all threats. This defens