Greetings and salutations everypony. Welcome to my entry in the Sky Forge's first (and hopefully not last) contest. This build actually started a fair bit before the contest was officially announced, but overall, it fit. Welcome to the tale of an Orc
It seems like an eon ago I said I was making a series called "Where Are They Now?" for TES characters. The first one was Crassius Curio, a prominent figure from Morrowind recreated as a stealthy vampire out for revenge.
Foreword: Continuing on with my theme of Dragon Age Builds, I have decided to explore the classes of the Blood Mage, Force Mage with a sprinkling of the Entropy school as seen in Dragon Age 2.
The word "Sunder" means to rend, rip, sever, divide;
"Maw unleashing razor snow, Of dragons from the blue brought down, Births the walking winter's woe, the High King in his Jagged Crown." - Ancient Nord Verse
The legends tell of a time when Skyrim was thrown into darkness and the skies were torn
One of my favorite items in TES IV: Oblivion was a unique staff that could be purchased from a shopkeeper in the Imperial City. It dealt 33 points of damage from each of the three major elements, and while it was a bit pricey for
First off, I would like to thank those who have given me such warm welcomes when I rejoined the site. As someone who was rather active back in the day, it is nice to see that my love for Skyrim and character creating is matched by s
This build is a collaboration between nystee and SeconHandGamer54.
Hello everyone and welcome to our submission for the event: Stories of Skyrim. I have been thinking about this build for a long time and I was very happy to find that I and SeconHandG
You were the scout of your crew, following the orders of the captain you worked on operations behind the scenes. From gathering Intel, stealing specific valuables to neutralizing key targets, every shadow job was for you. You were skilled with a bla
Build name: The Contractor (Assassin/Thief Hybrid Modded Build)
He is the deadliest and most feared assassin in the ranks of the Dark Brotherhood and Tamriel’s various criminal underworld. He is also a master thief who is also kno
This character started out as an experiment for a character in an actual story, but the playstyle really inspired me to contribute it to the community.
The Traveling Bard
"Dragons have returned to Skyrim. Only the Dragonborn can destroy Alduin and pre
Hello and welcome to the first of my builds. This build was inspired by an old figure of Norse mythology (Which one? Well, I'll let you figure it out) and will hopefully be the first of many "god builds." Feedback is always aprreciated; negative or p
Disclaimer: This build is my take on the build guide from Furrion17, The Hex Weaver. By all means, go check it out and, if you are like me and end up thinking "having to switch constantly between spells and swapping them out is a pain in the bum"...
The Internet has seen some attempts at making unarmed combat viable, and a few have even found success. This, however, was the first build out there (to my knowledge - originally posted several years ago) to do so without the aid of looping and/or st
A fighter of the wilds lending aid to those who need it, the Ranger acts as the thin barrier between civilization and nature, seeking to balance both. Their self-appointed duties have them approach all manner of enemies and situations, achieving
Greetings and salutations my fellow Skyrimmers! Welcome to my entry to the Wizards and Warlocks Event! Do you like fire? Do you like detectives? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to a staff, spell, and occasional crossbow wielding wizard.