
Welcome to the Story Corner. This is a laid back, friendly place where people of all levels and skills can write creatively and share their stories with other like-minded individuals who enjoy reading and telling stories.

It doesn't matter if you're the next Stephen King or someone whose never written anything longer than a paragraph at a time. If you like writing and reading fan-fiction this is the place for you. So write a few words, or read a few stories. No one knows where the journey will take you and no one can guess what kind of colorful characters you'll meet on the way.

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Skytales: A Story Corner Event

Hail, scholars and adventurers alike! Its been awhile since we have had an event here in the Story Corner, but with Telby's recent proposition of a casual build event, it seems appropriate to do a complimentary one here in the Story Corner. ~ Theme ~ This writing event has a simple theme: Character Builds on the Skyforge. We have a very active and talented building community here on the Forge. Some builds are created as specific characters, while some have more vague personalities and…

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18 Replies · Reply by Chris Diokno Jun 19, 2023

C.o.t.W Chapter 142: A Gallery of Goldenroot

Ceralyne rod until she saw the familiar castle looming on the distance. Her horse cantered over the bridge and toward the Mauseleum. She rapped on the door twice with her elegant knuckles and was granted entry. Inside she saw a rather peculair entryway - one she'd not seen upon entering, maybe because she was too distraught to notice. She eyed the brillant stone pillars supporting a vaulted ceiling. Stone guardians were positioned at certain intervals along the stone walkway. There were also…

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C.o.t.W Chapter 141: A Bad Moon Rises

Hasir, Inigo and Ceralyne thundered across the grassy plains until they found themselves outside the gate of a city Inigo knew all too well. As they passed through it, he told the Argonian of everything he knew of the sandy, canyon-filled landscape of Elsweyr. As they rode toward the Rimmen stables, he heard tales of the settlements of Senchal, Annequina and the gorgeous rock crags and lush river valleys that dominated the entire continent. He also heard all about the bird, flora, and fauna of…

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C.o.t.W Chapter 140: A Question of Purity

 After many hours, Hasir gasped in awe at the idealistic buildings and countryside. Ceralyne giggled behiind her hand as she saw Hasir's dumbstruck expression as he took in the beatutiful details of it all. He wore an expression of disbelief as he thought that Tamriel had no right to have sa local as awe-inspiring. As the Argonian rode into the biggest of the Summerset isles and followed the Altmer's instructions on their way to the main city. As the pair passed over an arched bridge made of…

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C.o.t.W. Chapter 139: The Silver Fist Tightens

The Welwa Ravager splashed through the murky water, zig-zagging between various fleshfly pods, Haj-Motas and alligators as it made its was to its destination. Hasir felt the elf's grip slacken a bit as she dozed off as they rode through the forest of Blackmarsh. As they were approaching Stormhold, Ceralyne jerked awake and inquired why they had stopped and that it would delay her showing him to her parents. Hasir dismounted and eyed her nervously."There's something I must do. I'll be back in a…

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C.o.t.w Chapter 138: Not All Marshes Reflect Sunshine

 When they reached the wooden gate of Lilmoth, they saw the city festooned with various tribal decorations. A large reed table was set up where the two Argonians would've been talking about mud puddles and Hasir saw the residents sitting at the table singing merrily and drinking the liquid that Hasir realized a bug musk. A memory flood back to him on the waters of though as he cursed himself for not following up on his promise to obtain the recipe from Morrowind.  He shook his head to clear it…

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C.o.t.W Chapter 137: Of Sun and Shadow

Hasir's scaly eyelids closed in sleep as he lay on the cot in the medical tent. His eyes opened onto an eerily familiar sight; a giant castle floating in the far reaches of Coldharbour. Orange and blue flames climbed up the sides, raining down debris at Hasir's feet. The ground looked less whole as it had on his previous foray into this forsaken place. Now, though, it looked like a painting born of the very fires of Oblivion itself.. Hasir proceeded to barrel, through the flames, into the…

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C.o.t.W Chapter 136: Scaly Infiltration

Hasir raised an eyebrow in surprise."Tigress? How do know her?" Garrus turned away from him and Kassamae, who was patiently watching them. He lowered his head in contemplation."I should have told you this earlier, but I am, or rather, was an agent in the Imperial Legion, I was my job to root out enemies of the Legion and rip them out of the ground before they spread. It was during one of my missions that I met Tigress." Hasir stared at him, concerned while his tail flapped about wildly."Was she…

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Memory of Us

A short story I weaved around (somewhat) random Akavirian-themed screenshots. Still kinda rough, but hope you enjoy it. :) Theme: Memory of Lightweaves The sun shines dimly, the warm yet refreshing air gently cares my skin, and the smell of the ocean brings my distant memories back.I look at my left, and there she is. Someone who I adored since I was a teenage boy. Someone who I always looked up to. Someone precious to me. "𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓾𝓷 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓪𝓵𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓴𝓼 𝓼𝓸 𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓵. 𝓓𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓰𝓻𝓮𝓮?" Not answering…

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3 Replies · Reply by Chris Diokno Jun 1

C..o.t.W Chapter 135: A Flower Blossoms in Shadow

The two Argonians touched floated down to the ground; much to Seven-Bellies' great shock. The Lukiul elder strode over to Kassamae."So, what did you find in that, er, whatever it was. Did you see the entirety of the temple?" Kassamae shrugged; pointing to her son. She told Seven-Bellies that he should ask Hasir not her."You might want to talk to my son about that. I did not have any dogs in that fight. I did, however, help him push back the dark clouds to let the sunshine in." The lukiul elder…

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C.o.t.W Chapter 134: Light of the Spirit

Hasir blinked multiple times to ensure what, or rather, who, he was seeing was indeed accurate. The elder turned and bowed, a bit clumsily, as the female Agronian approached. Hasir screwed his face up, usure of whether or not this was a flirtatious act.  Svene-Bellies moved toward the 'ghost-eyed' Argonian, grasped her hand and kissed it. The female Argonian turned beet red."Who are you? My fine histseed?" He said, looking into her eyes longingly. Hasir looked at him and rolled his eyes."By…

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  • I love writing, but do the stories HAVE to be based in the world of the Elder Scrolls? I would post some of my stories if they didn't have to be TES based.
    • Are they loosely fantasy based? If so I don't see why not. I want to encourage rather than discourage activity
      • Yeah, they are all medieval-fantasy like the world of Oblivion and Skyrim
  • Okay hopefully I can help increase activity in this group :D Working on it
  • Does anybody have any real interest in this group? Its not got that many members and I feel like everybody kind of just ignores it. At least it's not as bad as the Modding group D: lol
    • We'll grow more eventually as a site, so all groups will grow. I do enjoy a good story every now and then, but (like most people) I don't recognize myself as a writer.
    • It takes committed people to generate the interest in any given group. Don't be afraid to ask for help. I'm sure other writing enthusiasts from every which corner would love to help get a new story corner on its feet.
      • That is very true. I will ask around tomorrow or later today if anybody is interested in getting the Story Corner up and running. Because right now only 2 people including me have posted topics :P Hopefully we'll get some new authors in the group soon enough!
        • I will posting my ToC shortly. From experience, story groups work better whwn stories are posted
          • Im working on some stories myself :)
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